(2015-09-20, 09:16)ehsan.nikar
به نقل از
ینی کلا 97 درصدیا تو هیتاچی اجرا نمیشن ؟
خیر رایت ترانکات (97%) کلا روی هیتاچی اجرا نمیشه.
در صفحه رسمی نیز چک کردم اشاره شده:
Hitachi 32, 36, 40, 46, 47, 58, 59 GDR-3120L LT+ v2.0
This version adds support for XGD3 backups, and includes the LT-MAX feature which supports
full XGD3 ISOs burned on regular DVD+R DL media with iXtreme Burner MAX.
*NOTE: Hitachi v2.0+ does not support truncated XGD3 nor Xbox 1 backups (Xbox 1 originals are fine).
Hitachi 78/79 LT+ v3.0
This version adds support for topology data in place of AP2.5 replay data for all XGD3 and AP2.5-active XGD2 backups.
*NOTE: For drives that support AP2.5, all backups containing AP2.5 replay data will need to be patched or re-dumped and re-burned for compatibility with v3.0.
iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Hitachi 78/79 does not support the use of truncated backups,
and requires full XGD3 burns made with a compatible Lite-On iHAS drive flashed with the iXtreme Burner MAX fw.
In LT+ v3.0, backups remain the same layout, but require new "AP2.5 topology data" in place of the
older "AP2.5 replay sector" that was used in LT+ v2.x and older. Burned backups made for v2.x will not work
on v3.0, and vice-versa. In the case of v3.0, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent topology data on
a backup burned for v2.x. For v2.x, the firmware would be looking for nonexistent AP25 replay data on a
backup burned for v3.0. Either way will not work, and will flag your 360 by failing AP2.5 challenges outright.